انورٽر 48v, ڊي سي پاور سپلائي, سوئچنگ پاور سپلائي
انورٽر 48v, ڊي سي پاور سپلائي, سوئچنگ پاور سپلائي

انورٽر 48v, ڊي سي پاور سپلائي, سوئچنگ پاور سپلائي


A force inverter is one of the gadgets used to change over the DC power source to a customary AC power source. Subsequent to being changed from AC to DC power, these force inverters are additionally used to change over ڊي سي پاور سپلائي from various sources like daylight based chargers, batteries, and direct current transmission with high voltage.


The whole of this is accordingly changed over to a trading stream that is subsequently eaten up and used for different limits like running devices, electrical things, and instruments. What's more, this AC power from a force انورٽر can be used at home and for other business purposes.


اي Power Inverter: Functionalities


The essential handiness of a force inverter is to change DC voltage over to AC voltage through a remedied cooperation known as the contra-variety measure.


There are three kinds of inverters that can be used to finish this cycle and its helpfulness. This heap of inverters varies reliant upon the waveform of the AC yield waveform.


The three sorts of inverters:


  1. Step wave inverter or Modified sine wave inverter,
  2. Square wave inverter,
  3. خالص سائن موج انورٽر


Would you like to purchase the سوئچنگ پاور سپلائي ۽ Inverter بجلي جي فراهمي جي? You can get it from BWITT, one of the main force inverter supply framework suppliers.


Visit our site for more data!


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